Hi Everyone,
This afternoon I just wanted to bring you a quick post about something that really struck me and got me thinking earlier.
I posted my blog post earlier about Beyoncé and her interview with Elle and then I heard this very topic come up on todays episode of loose women. The lovely ladies were discussing about Beyoncé's comments on her body. Beyoncé said "if someone told me 15 years ago that my body would go through so many changes and fluctuations, and that I would feel more womanly and secure in my curves, I would not have believed them". Beyoncé was trying to promote body confidence within women which I think is excellent and she is trying to show that women should be happy within themselves and whatever bodies they have.
However, Janet Street Porter mentioned the fact that the women on the panel and perhaps the women watching may not have the thighs that Beyoncé has. This is very true because we are all unique and different. It can still be very easy to compare ourselves to influencers and celebrities that we see on TV and social media.
However, the ladies mentioned about their body stories campaign where all of the panellists posed for an unedited, non air brushed photograph in their swim suits promoting real bodies. They did this to show that every body has a story and every 'body' has been through something that makes them who they are whether that is having cellulite or stretch marks from pregnancy. I think that this campaign was very inspiring and it got me thinking.
Everybody, no matter who you are is truly special, beautiful and unique. Be you because you are a blessing.
Niamh x